Present at the World Cup in Japan on September 20 with the XV of France, Sofiane Guitoune has experienced many galleys lately. Today at Stade Toulousain, he confides in AFP and talks about the different phases of his career with the highlight of the next World Cup.Sofiane Guitoune (30 years old and 5 selections):
Should we call you Sofiane the Phoenix?
"(Laughter) I saw that lately, it was often the title that came back in the newspapers. We can say a little bit about it, it fits me well on the season because I come back very far ".
Your pubalgie lasted more than a year. Have you thought of a moment stop?
"By myself no, but be forced yes. Because it did not come back, I could not find my level. But I hung on, I kept working. As I often say, I am quite stubborn. There were too many examples of people who had returned from a pubalgie. I did not understand why not me because I was serious in my rehabilitation protocol, and it did not work. It took a little patience, it took me a little longer than the others ".
What is the basis for these cases?
"I am lucky to have a beautiful family with three children, necessarily it takes a lot of days and spirit. I also resumed my studies to become a fitness trainer by spending a lot of time with the physiotherapists, an area that I like. I had planned on the future if I had to stop, do something that I like after my career. "
What has changed this season?
"Good physical preparation and feeling good physically. Mentally, I was also a little cooler and my mind was clear. I only had to focus on my rugby. When I saw my tests during my prep, I had never done that before. And my first games on the wing have been good. "
Can we talk about a dream season?
"She's on top, it's going to be hard to beat. Personally I want to stay on this. When I came to Toulouse, it was to try to find this competition, to make successful seasons, and to always stay on top.
You've been discovered as a leader this season, proof of a certain maturity?
"Yes that's it. I am 30 years old, mature, dad's life, but there was also a young group and it needed leaders. If the Yoann Maestri, Jean-Marc Doussain, + Flo + Fritz remained, perhaps I would never have spoken because it was their role. I did not force my nature, it came naturally during the season, mid-November ".
At what point did you say to me: Is there a chance for Japan?
"It's unexpected. You are the journalists who put this in my head, my relatives too. + You'll go, we'll remind you, it's obligatory. At first I do not believe too much because it's been four years since I was not selected. Not many people, even me last July, could say that I was going to make the World Cup. But when the coach comes to talk to you about it ... I knew that if I wanted to be part of the group, it was necessary to be champion of France and that I have an important role during the final phases. My tool this year was the Shield. I would have had a hard time not having it after our season. "
What is left of you at the 2015 World Cup: the double against Romania or the frustration of having been forgotten on the bench?
"The second option. Frankly, I did not live it well, even though I was younger. Today, I do not want that, I'm 30, 3 children, I'm going to spend four months. This is an exceptional chance, an exceptional adventure to be part of this group but I really want more and bring ".
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